- 1994 Winter Range Ladies National Champion
- 1994 End of Trail Ladies World Champion
- 1995 Nevada State Ladies Champion
- 1996 Southwest Regional Ladies Champion
- Placed in every major match since
- Four time winner of ACSA Top Women
- Co-Founder of Rio Salado Cowboy
Action Shooting Society
- Secretary/Treasurer RSCASS
- Winter Range "Rough Rider"
- Rio Ranger #2
- SASS Regulator
- 2007 SASS Hall of Fame Inductee
- Winner of 1993 & 1994 Winter Range Character Portrayal Costume Contest.
- Past President - Rio Salado Sportsman's Club
& Honorary Life Member #1
- Past President and “Shoot Boss”-
Winter Range.
- Winner of 1998 End of Trail Best
Dressed Sutler Award
- Winter Range Trustee &
"Rough Rider" #8
- Recipient of Winter Range Founders
- Recipient of SASS Spirit Award
- SASS Regulator
- SASS Territorial Governor
- Founder of Rio Salado Cowboy Action
Shooting Society.
- Rio Ranger #1
- 2007 SASS Hall of Fame Inductee